Happy New Year to all;
It's the season of Epiphany in our Liturgical Year. Have you manifested Jesus in your lives lately? Our Lord Jesus Christ manifestation to the world is our mission in our Christian ministry in our present lives. We have so many opportunities to manifest our Lord in every aspect of our lives. Some of this can be done even by children. Why don't we try some simple things like greeting our neighbors every day, or do a little kindness or mercy to our least brothers and sisters. Perhaps we can even visit the sick in the hospital or those who are in prison. There are many ways which we can do to make a difference in our society. And "practice makes perfect," as the saying goes.
This Sunday our Gospel tells us about the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12). It describe those who are subjects to the Kingdom of God or Kingdom of Heaven as Matthew calls it. And who are these people? They are the merciful, the humble and pure in hearts, the peacemakers, the poor, and even those who are persecuted for righteousness sake. These people are more likely to receive the Kingdom of God and they are also given mission to make a change in the world so that even the world will be a place where the Kingdom of God is felt. So the world is now also being established as the Kingdom of God because of these people. We hope to be part of this mission also and contribute in our own capacity.
Our English Service in the Cathedral of St. Matthew's in Nagoya is every second Sunday of the month. So on February 13, 2011 I hope to see you there. The complete address of the Cathedral is:
Saint Matthew's Cathedral
2-53-1, Meigetsu-cho, Showa-Ku, Nagoya (Postal Code) 466-0034
If you come by train, stop at Gokiso eki exit no. 4 and find the convenience store (Circle K)beside the police box and turn right, about 40 meters on your right is the Cathedral.
Come One and come all and lets celebrate the Holy Eucharist together.