Being "gaijin" in Japan is not always easy, but in this small community you are no longer a stranger, or simply a cultural and language minority in the society. You are welcome. You are a friend and companion Christian. We also welcome Japanese people, as long as they respect this core identity of the congregation.
We use English as our common language, but this is just for our convenience. You don't need to be fluent in speaking English, nor a native English speaker. Regardless of your native language, we hope you will feel at home in the service and at the dining table.
Worshiping together

We celebrate "the feast" together once a month. This reminds us that we are an important part of the wonderful community, the Church.
The participants are from many countries in the world, and worshiping together here in Nagoya itself is a living parable of the unity in diversity through which God has made the world.

Our usual custom is to have dinner together after the service. The dinner is prepared potluck style, but you don't need to feel you are obliged to bring something. Just come and eat!
Sharing food does not merely mean eating together. It is a time of sharing ourselves, coming to know one another. Many people are very talkative, and topics of conversations vary greatly. We look forward to your bringing something fun to share!
Helping one another
You may be experiencing challenges living in Japan, and sharing your journey with someone else would lighten the burden on your heart. Some of us may have had the same difficulty before you, and could help!
We are not a big community, but we hope to support you in many ways, and we would at least welcome your story in our midst.